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SDI to HDMI Video Converter

  • Run at speeds of 2.970Gbit / s, 1.485Gbit / s and 270Mbit / s
  • Support SMPTE 425M, SMPTE 424M, SMPTE 292M, SMPTE 259M-C
  • Loop output integrated audio de-embedder with equalization and retime, up to 8 channels, 48 a??a??KHz audio
  • From SMPTE 425M Class B to Class A 1080p 50 / 59.94 / 60 4: 2: 2 10-bit conversion
  • Connect with other devices to extend the signal distance

In Stock
Product Code:
JOD 30.00
Update Last Updated: 2024-10-07 09:06:15
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