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My Big Touch-And-Feel Concept Book
Colors, shapes, numbers, and opposites. These basic concepts are fundamental lessons in early toddler education. Young readers are in for a multisensory treat with this big book containing 120 words and 40 touch-and-feel elements. Discover bright colors at a carnival, touch the sticky splotches of paint, count the number of spots on a ladybug, and trace the shiny star and spiral shapes. There’s so much to see, touch, and discover! A hands-on learning experience that encourages sensory awareness, builds vocabulary skills, and develops word and picture associations, this interactive volume is a must-have for a young child’s growing library!
Author: Xavier Deneux
Publisher: Twirl
Publication Date: 28 Sept. 2020
Board book: 22 pages
ISBN-10: 2408019680
Reading age: Baby - 3 years
Dimensions: 24.64 x 3.56 x 24.89 cm