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Gas HX-2008C Leak Detector

  • Power source: AC 220V
  • Sensitivity: Propane LEL: 2.1 VOL% / HEL (UEL): 9.5 VOL%
  • Butane LEL: 1.8 VOL% / HEL (UEL): 8.4 VOL%
  • Methane LEL: 5.0 VOL% / HEL (UEL): 15.0 VOL%
  • Power consumption: 1.7W
  • Operating temperature: -10-50
  • Ambient humidity: less than 95% RH
  • Horn level: 75 decibels at 10 feet
  • Standby mode: Green LED on
  • Alarm mode: Red LED flashes and an acoustic alarm
  • Type of Gas Sensed: Natural Gas / Town Gas / LPG
  • Size: 11x7x4cm

In Stock
Product Code:
JOD 11.00
Update Last Updated: 2024-04-26 16:08:45
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