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Air Clay Ice Cream Creations
The Play-Doh Air Clay Ice Cream Creations set is going to make them feel like they are running their very own ice cream parlour! Kids of all ages love playing with Play-Doh as it allows them to be creative and have fun. This new Air Clay offers even more Play-Doh excitement!
What is so much fun about the Play-Doh Air Clay Ice Cream Creations set is that it comes with five packs of the new Play-Doh Air Clay. This stuff is bright, easy to shape and it can be moulded into the perfect ice cream and ice lolly shapes that this set is themed around. While that is already cool, it is the extra accessories that make this a Play-Doh set that is going to provide hours and hours of fun.
This set comes with ice cream cones that they can put the Play-Doh in and lollypop sticks that can be pressed into the Play-Doh too! Oh, it also comes with this Play-Doh syringe tool that lets them get really creative as they make the Play-Doh ice cream look all whippy and cool looking! They are going to have a great time running their own ice cream parlour with his incredible set!
Suitable for ages 3 and up.
Key Features
- They can pretend they are working in an ice cream parlour
- This set is a fantastic way for a child to have some creative fun
- Included are five different colours of Play-Doh Air Clay
- Also included are ice cream accessories such as cones
- The Play-Doh syringe lets them have even more fun making Play-Doh ice cream!