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  • Attiny85 Digispark Mini USB Development Board module | Electronics | Development Boards | Microcontrollers | ATTINY Boards

Attiny85 Digispark Mini USB Development Board module | Electronics | Development Boards | Microcontrollers | ATTINY Boards

A compact and affordable development board based on the ATtiny85 microcontroller with built-in USB interface. لوحة تطوير صغيرة الحجم وبأسعار معقولة تعتمد على متحكم ATtiny85 الدقيق مع واجهة USB مدمجة.
In Stock
Product Code:
JOD 10.00 JOD 7.11

You save JOD 2.89

Update Last Updated: 2025-01-22 16:16:41
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