The MAX31865 is an easy-to-use resistance-to-digitalconverter optimized for platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). Anexternal resistor sets the sensitivity for the RTD being used and a precisiondelta-sigma ADC converts the ratio of the RTD resistance to the referenceresistance into digital form. The MAX31865's inputs are protected againstovervoltage faults as large as ±45V.
For precision temperature sensing, nothing beats a PlatinumRTD. Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) are temperature sensors thatcontain a resistor that changes resistance value as its temperature changes,basically a kind of thermistor. In this sensor, the resistor is actually asmall strip of Platinum with a resistance of 100 ohms at 0°C, thus the namePT100
The MAX31865 handles all of your RTD needs, and can evencompensate 3 or 4 wire RTDs for better accuracy. Connect to it with anymicrocontroller over SPI and read out the resistance ratio from the internalADC. A 430Ω 0.1% resistor as a reference resistor on the breakout is used.
We even made the breakout 5V compliant, with a 3.3V regulatorand level shifting, so you can use it with any for For Arduino ormicrocontroller.
● Integration Lowers System Cost, Simplifies Design Efforts, and Reduces Design Cycle Time
- Simple Conversion of Platinum RTD Resistance to Digital Value
- Handles 100Ω to 1kΩ (at 0°C) Platinum RTDs (PT100 to PT1000)
- Compatible with 2-, 3-, and 4-Wire Sensor Connections
- SPI-Compatible Interface
- 20-Pin TQFN and SSOP Packages
● High Accuracy Facilitates Meeting Error Budgets
- 15-Bit ADC Resolution; Nominal Temperature Resolution 0.03125NC (Varies Due to RTD Nonlinearity)
- Total Accuracy Over All Operating Conditions: 0.5NC (0.05% of Full Scale) max
- Fully Differential VREF Inputs
- 21ms (max) Conversion Time
● Integrated Fault Detection Increases System Reliability
- ±45V Input Protection
- Fault Detection (Open RTD Element, RTD Shorted to Out-of-Range Voltage, or Short Across RTD Element)
This high-temperature PT100 sensor is equipped with an stainless steel shield that is good from -50°C to 280°C.
Sample Code